Any interest in a module manager for Monkey?

Having done a module manager for BlitzMax called Maximus I’ve received one question several times: will you also make a module manager for Monkey?

My answer at the time was ‘no’. Simply because I didn’t use Monkey nor was I planning to. To be honest, I’m still not planning on using Monkey myself. But there are lots of people who do use Monkey and with the (my assumption) amount of available modules I think Monkey would benefit from a module manager.

Sure, Monkey has a module page which lists some modules, but that’s just a listing. When in time there are more and more modules being released for Monkey it’ll become more tedious and painful to manage all your (installed) Monkey modules.

So I’d like to know if Monkey users have any interest in a module manager which for users will allow them to easily install and update modules. For module authors it’ll be an easy way to publish a module to a central repository (like Maximus does).

That way everyone can benefit from a central repository hosting these modules.

Why am I asking if there’s any interest in this? I’ve got some ideas and I think it’ll make up for a nice summer project. I’m interested to hear peoples opinions on this which I can use to decide to start it all up.


This is a cross post from a topic I started at the BlitzMax forum. Which has also been copied to the Monkey forum. I decided to put it on here as well.

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