Help beta test an HTML2PDF Web Service

In an earlier post I asked if anyone would be interested to help me out test a web service for converting HTML to PDF. Today I’m opening up the beta to anyone that’s interested.

Please visit and sign-up for a 7-day trial account. No credit card required! Trial length can be extended upon request.

Converting HTML to PDF is easy with the HTML2PDF Web Service. Here are some examples:


$ curl -H "X-API-Key: F8802062-4D31-11E3-8F59-BFD4058B6BFF"
       -H "X-API-Username: MyUsername"
       -d '{"content":"<html><head><title>My page</title></head><body><h1>Hello World!</h1><p>I am an HTML page converted to PDF!</p></body></html>"}' > page.pdf


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::UserAgent;

my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $tx = $ua->post(
    '' => {
        'X-API-Username' => 'MyUsername',
        'X-API-Key'      => 'F8802062-4D31-11E3-8F59-BFD4058B6BFF'
    } => json => {url => ''}
if (my $res = $tx->success) {
    my $pdf_data = $res->body;


require 'net/https'
require 'uri'

uri           = URI.parse('')
https         =, uri.port)
https.use_ssl = true
# In case the SSL certificate isn't accepted
https.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

req =
req['X-API-Username'] = 'MyUsername'
req['X-API-Key']      = 'F8802062-4D31-11E3-8F59-BFD4058B6BFF'
req.body              = '{"url": ""}'

res = https.request(req)
if res.code == '200'
    pdf_data = res.body
    # - or write to file -
    #'invoice.pdf', 'w') { |file| file.write(res.body) }

PS: Prices are subject to change. During the beta you can’t use your own credit card for payments since we’re still running in sandbox mode. All data will be wiped after the beta ends. Expected launch date will be some time in January 2014.

HTML2PDF Web Service - Convert HTML to PDFUsing HTML2PDF Web Service you can design in HTML and CSS, and convert the resulting page to PDF. Free trial available!

1 thought on “Help beta test an HTML2PDF Web Service”

  1. Pingback: Getting close to launching HTML2PDF Web Service! | Htbaa blogs?

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