
Using rsnapshot for daily PostgreSQL backups

Having done backups for MySQL using rsnapshot before I recently had to do the same thing for PostgreSQL. Turns out PostgreSQL has similar tools to do this and it’s actually quite easy to set it up. First, assuming rsnapshot will run under the root user you’ll need to create a .pgpass file at /root/.pgpass that […]

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Favorite programming font on Windows: Consolas 10pt bold

For years I’ve used Courier New in my programming editors and terminal (PuTTY). But there’s a much better font available for that kind of stuff. For the last couple of years I’ve been using Consolas, which is shipped with Windows. I’ve configured my editors and PuTTY to use Consolas 10pt bold as I find it

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My new PC

After almost 5 years of usage I decided it was time to replace my trustworthy desktop PC, a HP Pavilion Elite m9060.nl. The PC really started to show its age. It was becoming a bit too slow for today’s software applications, at least to my liking. The limitation of 4GB of RAM set by the

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