Trying out Digital Ocean

I’m currently trying out a Digital Ocean VPS for a soon to launch Software as a Service I’m currently working on. So far I’m really liking it. The VPS (a 1GB droplet) is fast and is performing nicely.

This is also the first time I’m using Chef to provision the server. Chef is working nicely but I did had to do some manual installation and removal of specific Ruby gems. I’m still not entirely convinced about using Chef for this but that’s mostly because there’s a lot left to learn such as data bags.

My only complaint so far is that Digtal Ocean didn’t let me create a droplet (VPS) in Amsterdam. When working remotely via SSH the network latency (though only about 100ms) can get really annoying.

Aside from that I’m liking it!

Update: not long after this post Digital Ocean announced they had expanded their Amsterdam data center!

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