Working with both a laptop and desktop computer I like to be able to manage the same content on both machines. Using Dropbox and OneDrive helps a lot, but what if your for example your Adobe Lightroom catalog expects your content to be stored on the F:\ drive on your desktop, but the same content (using Dropbox or OneDrive) on your laptop is stored on another drive, lets say G:\. Then what? Luckily in Windows there’s a solution for that! UsingĀ subst.
In my Adobe Lightroom catalog example I want to have my photo’s stored in the X:\ drive, which doesn’t exist yet. Since I don’t want to re-partition my hard drive I can useĀ subst to map a folder to a virtual drive letter.
To create a new mapping:
subst x: C:\Folder\Example
To remove a mapping:
subst x: /D
Now, simply do this on both systems and you’re set. To have the drive letter available when you launch your system you could add a scheduled task which executes the mapping command.
Credit goes to this StackOverflow post.